With so many thoughts, feelings and experiences from the 5 days of intense professional development at GAIN VIII: Where do I start…? What can I say…? How do I put into words the experiences I had…?
“It was a truly amazing ‘World Class’ experience!”

What is the GAIN Mission…?
What was GAIN VIII’s Theme…?

Who presented…?
The calibre of presenters was truly ‘World Class’ from a wide breadth of areas in the field of ‘Athletic Development’:-

- Vern Gambetta (Founder of GAIN) http://www.functionalpathtraining.typepad.com;
- Gary Winckler (‘Hall of Fame’ Track & Field Coach, University of Illinois for 22 years) http://www.fightingillini.com/sports/w-xctrack/mtt/gary_winckler_463989.html;
- Jim Radcliffe (Current Head of Strength and Conditioning, Oregon University, Football and Track & Field) http://www.goducks.com/ViewArticle.dbml?ATCLID=217975;
- Randy Ballard (Current Athletic Trainer, Volleyball and Track & Field, University of Illinois) http://www.fightingillini.com/genrel/ballard_randy00.html;
- David Epstein (World renowned Sports Investigative Journalist) http://thesportsgene.com/the-author/;
- Frank Dick (OBE) (Former ‘Director of Coaching’ of GB Athletics) http://www.frankdick.co.uk/about-frank/;
- Joe Przytula (Athletic Trainer, Elizabeth High School, New Jersey, USA) http://joestrainingroom.blogspot.com;
- Steve Myrland (District Performance Coach for Athletics, District Wellness Director Middleton Wisconsin School District) http://traintoplay.com/about.html;
- Nick Garcia (Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Notre Dame High School, California, USA) http://www.ndhs.org/s/1012/index.aspx?pgid=376;
- Greg Thompson (Elementary Physical Education Teacher, Farmington, Michigan, USA);
- Patrick McHugh (Athletic Director, North Shore County Day School, USA);
- Mike Bahn (Strength and Conditioning Co-ordindator US Ski & Snowboard Association);
- Sal Marinello (Strength and Conditioning Coach, Manhattan College, New York, USA) http://www.gojaspers.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=12500&ATCLID=205672159;
- Steve Magness (Cross-Country Head Coach University of Houston) http://www.scienceofrunning.com/p/about-me.html;
- Ed Ryan (Head Athletic Trainer USA Women’s Basketball and former Director of Sports Medicine US Olympic Committee);
- Bill Knowles (World renowned Re-Conditioning Expert) http://www.hpsports.com.

What was the format of GAIN…?
Every second of every day was utilised to the full…from 6:30am to 2:00am…with a variety of presentation methods from practical workouts…to presentations…to practical demonstrations…to ‘Question and Answer’ sessions…to informal chats/discussions…anywhere…anytime.
Each day started at 6:30am with practical workouts of 3 stations lasting 20 minutes each, linked to the presentations that would be presented later in the day:-

Plus Vern’s pep talks post workout:-
Then there were 2 presentations given by GAIN Faculty members:-

Then there were Skype sessions by people who were unable to physically make it to GAIN:-

Which was followed by 2 more presentations after lunch:-

Then 2 practical demonstration sessions late afternoon:-

Each day ended with 2 presentations from GAIN members sharing their experiences…:-

What made GAIN so special…?
The people!
The willingness of people to share their knowledge…their experiences…with everyone…with their roommate…with a fellow GAINer… no matter their role (coach, teacher, trainer, doctor)…their experience (1 year, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, 40 years)…their level (Prep School, High School, College, University, Professional, Elite)…the occasion…during presentations…practicals…’Q&A’…informal chats…anytime…during breakfast…lunch…or dinner.

And the energy, enthusiasm and passion of my Mentor Vern Gambetta (Founder of GAIN)…who is a true inspiration and pioneer in the field of Athletic Development, Teaching and Coaching…who after 45 years of continues to ask questions and push the boundaries of what is possible…