Why ‘Goal Set’…?
The main reason why you should ‘Goal Set’ is so that every knows where they are going…what they are doing…what they are aiming for…and how they are going to get there…
To create a common goal…a common focus…to drive you forward…the team forward…to help encourage and challenge each other…to be the best you can be…in your quest to achieve what you set out to achieve and agreed together at the beginning of the Crusade…the journey…the season…the year…
Why create ‘Goal Setting’ videos…?
The main reason why you should create ‘Goal Setting’ videos is to create a spark deep inside the body…that will ignite to burn a flame…that will help to drive you forward session to session…day to day…week to week…month to month…year to year…to help you be the best you can be…
They create a unique feeling…a power that inspires you…to realise what could potentially be possible in the future…they open a path that you thought could never be possibly trodden…they grasp your imagination…they inspire you to be the best you can possibly be…
The whole process creates a special bond between the players…the team…the squad…that creates a feeling…that just needs a look…